Sunday, November 11, 2007


Pulau Weh: The most northwestern island of Indonesia offers truly world class diving with clear waters and impressive under water landscapes. Here, where the Andaman Sea meets the Indian Ocean, the deep waters and currents around the island sustain an unbelievable amount and variety of marine life, ranging from tiny critters to grand pelagic's ...

Lumba Lumba Living 01homebase in paradise

Homebase in paradise
Lumba Lumba Diving Centre right on the beach of Gapang

School of bigeye trevallies at Pantee Peunateungphoto by Ekhard Krumpholz

Dive in crowds of fish, not in crowds of divers:
Still being an insiders' secret, and off the beaten track, Pulau Weh offers unspoiled and uncrowded dive sites. Add our team's dedication, experience and love for the ocean and you'll get unforgettable dives, from spectacular full-adrenaline dives to long slow relaxed macro spotting dives.

Homebase in paradise:
We are a small dive operation in a great dive shop. Open since 1998, Lumba Lumba Diving Centre has become a meeting point on Gapang Beach, a hub of activity from where the diving starts, a friendly n welcoming place where you can feel at home.
Taste some of the Wonders of Weh: dive into the dive site descriptions and some more photos.
How t
o come up to Weh:
Take a night bus from Medan to Banda Aceh, then the morning fast ferry and reach Gapang Beach before noon, or fly from Medan and be here late afternoon the same day!
Stay & relax here:
Gapang offers the widest choice in accommodation, from cheap basic wooden huts to comfortable bungalows. Sure you will find something to fit your taste and budget!
fin Tips & fish Tales:
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